If this is true, that's one thing, but it appears not to be true since Jared was not even at the NJ con. Just like white people so often fabricate black assailants, straight people fabricate homosexual gropers. So, yeah, it's so easy.just blame it on the gays. And if there are guys, they're few and far between and apparently not all that big. I've never even seen a guy at one of these things.
Where is the proof that a gay man groped Jared? It sounds like a made up story to explain why Jared and Jensen didn't want fanGIRLS touching them. This pisses me off so much I can't see straight.
So they just sorta sat on stools or something and smiled.' However, their publicist or agent or whoever went nuts and so the no-hugs-or-anything-remotely-personal-in-photoshoots-rule came to be. He was arrested and Jensen nearly punched the dude (and yes, I sorta went 'Aww!' inside at that), but Jared didn't press charges. Apparently, I think it was at the NJ con, that Jared was seriously groped by a fan, as in, pretty much assault. 'Okay, firstly, everybody's probably heard about the no-touching thing by now.